Use "doze|dozed|dozes|dozing" in a sentence

1. He fell into a doze, ie began to doze.

2. Doze off in class.

3. Grandad was dozing in his chair.

4. He dozed fitfully, and then slept.

5. For a while she dozed fitfully.

6. Dotard, a-dozing at the very nonce.

7. Don't doze over your work.

8. I dozed fitfully until dawn.

9. 6 Its hunger sated, the lion dozed.

10. I must have dozed off.

11. I dozed fitfully for a few hours.

12. I dozed off during the film.

13. He dozed off during the film.

14. After lunch I had a doze.

15. Do you sometimes doze off in class?

16. Billy dozed in the meat locker.

17. The baby alternately dozed and puddled.

18. He was dozing in the hammock when I called.

19. After a while he started to doze.

20. She had a little doze after lunch.

21. I dozed off during the soporific music.

22. She sat shivering, dozing off: home, or nearly.

23. 7 Armand dozing, apparently, in a surfeit of plenty.

24. Jenny dozed off and he switched on the autopilot.

25. Unobscurely doze Aporrhegma dyewoods pseudorepublican SCM

26. She dozed off in front of the fire.

27. Some students often doze off in class.

28. Mary nestled up against her mother and dozed fitfully.

29. My cat likes dozing in front of the fire.

30. Guy The pool of drool on the table from your dozing off.

31. There's nothing like a little doze after lunch.

32. While Celestine paid avid attention, Paula started to doze.

33. He's just having a little doze on the settee.

34. We couldn't help but doze off during his lecture.

35. The hoarse messenger had dropped into a doze.

36. Thinking ourselves perfectly secure, we began to doze.

37. Seo tries to follow Hyeon-gyu, but he dozes off and misses his chance.

38. I had a doze on the train.

39. While the adults doze, the young play.

40. Will later confessed that he had indeed dozed off.

41. Dauntless himself was fighting an urge to doze.

42. The middle-aged sleeping-car attendant was dozing but dressed.

43. I had a quick doze on the train.

44. Bob is a fool, to be dozing at the very nonce.

45. Acetonitrilul are o toxicitate redusă în doze mici

46. I began to doze off and pulled myself up sharp.

47. The cat dozed in its favourite spot on the hearth.

48. I often doze off while I'm getting an MRI.

49. It's better to save energy and doze in the sun.

50. She settled down for a quiet doze on the sofa.

51. 14 While Celestine paid avid attention, Paula started to doze.

52. Do not go doze off in the middle of the meeting.

53. Anyone fighting fatigue at the wheel can easily doze off momentarily.

54. He dozed off and on but had no understanding of deeper sleep.

55. Some people managed to sleep, but most of us just dozed fitfully.

56. Hundreds and thousands of books and magazines doze in the library.

57. As she was about to doze off, Chun Bao woke up.

58. She talked and he dozed and my mind went on autopilot.

59. The boy dozed off while his mother was reading to him.

60. The film was so boring that I dozed off in the middle of it.

61. In one room, young mothers weave while babies doze in their laps.

62. The office was so hot I nearly dozed off at my desk.

63. The more tenured civil servants doodled on coarse notepads; the senior staff dozed.

64. I was just beginning to doze off when the telephone rang.

65. He heard the clock ticking audibly and half suspected that he had been dozing.

66. A twig Alighted on a fence and dozed; So do I sleep

67. I closed my eyes for a minute and must have dozed off.

68. [ C ] A Combination of tiredness and boredom made me doze off in class

69. Others chose to nap, take a walk or doze by the lobby fireplace.

70. Synonyms for Aestivating include dormant, asleep, sleeping, dozing, napping, slumbering, hibernating, resting, comatose and reposing

71. They may find themselves daydreaming, thinking about the day’s anxieties, or even dozing off.

72. All this is done while the philosopher stares abstractedly out of the window and the interviewer dozes off.

73. 1 case Linen ('Ambries 'J00 dozed I.inrncauibrtr Handkerchiefs, all quali* iea U.r> piiccs fine

74. She had slept badly, tossing and turning before falling into a fitful doze.

75. Doze novilhas mestiças, foram Blocadas em quatro grupos com três animais

76. I was just dozing off to sleep when suddenly I heard a scream from outside.

77. (2) All this is done while the philosopher stares Abstractedly out of the window and the interviewer dozes off.

78. He had also overeaten, so that when he relaxed, he dozed off to sleep.

79. Well, on the way back - before we met up with the Space Shuttle - I dozed off.

80. In school , Yoon-ho sits in the very back corner , dozing off or reading comic books .